Three classic arrangements add vibrant colors to any occasion in the Favorites Bouquet 3-Pack. The Lotus Bouquet features delicate pale pink blossoms with bright yellow centers and lacy-winged dragonflies peeking out from among the lily pad leaves. The Wildflower Bouquet overflows with a vivacious mix of blue, white, yellow, red, and pink blooms amid sprays of greenery. The bright Sunflower Bouquet offers a mix of sunny yellow blossoms with flowers in hues of purple and orange. Each paper flower bouquet sits in its own themed paper vase complete with our signature heart and more flower design motifs.
Send a selection from the Favorites Bouquet 3-Pack to say ‘I love you,’ on a birthday or anniversary. Give a beautiful gift that lasts longer than fresh flowers for Valentine’s Day. Surprise a loved one with a spring bouquet for Easter or Mother’s Day, or encourage a graduate with colorful blooms.
Included in the Favorite Bouquets 3-Pack:
- Lotus Bouquet
- Wildflower Bouquet
- Sunflower Bouquet
Each pop-up flower bouquet is 10.25 inches tall by 7.5 inches wide when fully unfolded.
Quantity: 3 pop-up flower bouquets
Lovepop Flowers come beautifully-packaged in a protective paper envelope. For shipping, we recommend placing the envelope inside of a 12×15 inch mailer to ensure it arrives safely to your recipient. Each bouquet weighs 6 ounces — please visit your local post office or shipping store for varied shipping and pricing options.
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