This lavender card has a small bouquet of sunflowers and roses decorating its front. When it opens, it reveals a yellow plane with roses, leaves, and butterflies decorating its edges. At its center sits a silver watering can, filled to the brim with more sunflowers, roses, and greens. Hidden in the foliage sits a singular purple butterfly, perched carefully on the edges of a set of leaves.
This Sunflower Watering Can 3D card is blank, which means you can use it for any occasion you can think of. You can use this to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other special date for your favorite gardener or nature lover. You also can use the Sunflower Watering Can card as a Mother’s Day present to bring a little spring to a special mom in your life. Write a hidden message inside and give a surprise that will bring a smile to any face.
The Sunflower Watering Can pop-up card is 5 inches wide by 7 inches tall.
One Lovepop with one blank envelope and the Lovepop Note, a little note card that slides away with your own personal touch.
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