This 3D bouquet features the abundance of autumn with its beautiful fall flowers. The warm reds, oranges, and yellows invoke the turning of the leaves while bringing a cheerful burst of color to any room.
The Woodland Harvest Bouquet will make any home ready for fall or Thanksgiving. Display it in your own home or gift it to your favorite autumn-loving friends and family.
The Woodland Harvest Bouquet is 10.25” x 7.5” when fully unfolded.
One pop-up Woodland Harvest Bouquet with a Lovepop Note, packaged in a love-filled sleeve.
Lovepop Flowers come beautifully-packaged in a protective paper envelope. For shipping, we recommend placing the envelope inside of a 12×15 inch mailer to ensure it arrives safely to your recipient. This bouquet weighs 6 ounces — please visit your local post office or shipping store for varied shipping and pricing options.
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