Disney and Pixar Toy Story’s beloved duo, Woody and Buzz, are leaning against each other on the navy blue cover of this pop-up card. Upon opening, Buzz appears flying skyward, with Woody hanging onto his arm. Fluffy white clouds cover the blue background, as the friends soar up into the galaxy, ready to save the day.
Inspiration for the Woody & Buzz card:
Our designer Joe was immediately inspired by this iconic pose from the Toy Story movie – Buzz blasting off with Woody hanging onto his arm. “My favorite part of this design was probably the use of translucent paper on Buzz’s helmet,” Joe said. “Translucent paper isn’t something that we get to work with all that often, so it’s an exciting element.”
Occasions for the Woody & Buzz card:
There is no age limit on these best friends – give this design to any Disney & Pixar fans. Share a piece of your childhood and unforgettable magic with anyone you love. Give this card to your second half as a reminder that two is always better than one.
The Disney and Pixar’s Toy Story Woody & Buzz card pop up card is 5 inches wide by 7 inches tall.
One friendship-filled Lovepop with one blank envelope and the Lovepop Note, a little note card that slides out for your own personal touch.
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